How we make money and our charity promise
Funeral Solution Expert makes money in 3 different ways:

We provide consultancy support to other organisations
Using our experience and expertise to help with specific challenges and new opportunities. We only work with those that share our values and have good consumer outcomes at the core of their business. We get paid on a time or project delivery basis.
Our recent work includes providing marketing and insight support to a major funeral plan provider, delivering market trends strategic insight for a major private crematoria owner, working with a new entrant on a market leading direct cremation funeral plan proposition, and working with other new entrants seeking to better understand the funeral sector. These have included investors looking for opportunities, other consultancy firms seeking more knowledge, and start-ups developing innovative new offerings including those launching more effective environmental solutions.

We provide research to other organisations and the industry generally
Work includes market sector studies and competitor reviews to aid proposition development or to understand consumer attitudes and trends. We may get paid by a sole organisation that funds this work or by several organisations where we share a broader market study. We also fund our own research into particular areas of interest including funerals and their impact on the environment.
Our recent work includes a major study into the online will writing market, and a 2023 report on the UK funeral plan market post regulation. We conduct an annual survey each autumn of independent funeral directors exploring topics such as funeral plan provider satisfaction, FCA regulation, and direct cremation. Our reports are available to buy. If we rate a business as 5 star in our product market reviews we may license the use of our FSE 5 star rating badge for marketing purposes.

We help businesses find the right partner or solution
This could typically be where we find the right partner for a new market entrant or helping make introductions that prove beneficial for both parties. Where we use our time, industry knowledge and relationships to find the right partner for a particular business challenge, then we may be paid a finders or introducer fee if the business outcome is successful.
We have recently helped a new funeral plan provider find the right compliance partner and worked with an innovative body disposal firm to shape their prospectus and meet interested investors. We have also successfully helped a death tech firm make significant progress in establishing their solution through our extensive understanding and knowledge of the funeral service industry and introducing them to individual firms and people.

Our charity promise
Our Charity Promise – is our binding commitment to give a % of our annual income to charity.
Since 2021 we have donated over £14,000.
We are proud to have the following charities on our panel who are recipients of a share of our annual payment.
Hospice UK | Dying Matters
The national charity for those experiencing dying, death and bereavement. Working for the benefit of people affected by death and dying, collaborating with hospice members and other partners who work in end-of-life care. Supporting more than 200 hospices across the UK who care for over 200,000 adults and children every year.

Down to Earth, part of the charity Quaker Social Action (QSA), is the only UK-wide helpline supporting people struggling with funeral costs. They campaign for the Government and funeral industry to improve funeral affordability for those on low incomes. QSA can share insight, evidence and powerful testimonies of those they support.

Motor Neurone Disease Association
A charity focused on improving care and support for people with MND, their families and carers. They fund and promote research that leads to new understanding and treatments, and brings us closer to a cure for MND. They campaign and raise awareness so the needs of people with MND, and everyone who cares for them, are recognised and addressed by wider society.

BRACE Dementia Research
BRACE Dementia Research is a small charity based at the Bristol Brain Centre, in Southmead Hospital. The charity funds world class laboratory and clinical research across the South West of England and Wales, creating the scientists of tomorrow through funding PhDs and research projects. Today, one million people are living with dementia in the UK. The only way to defeat dementia is through research.

The Natural Death Centre
The Natural Death Centre charity offers candid advice to the public and funeral professionals on all things funereal. Since its inception in 1991 it has been the go-to hub for information such as: Environmentally friendly options, DIY funerals, burial on private land and caring for the dying and/or a body at home.

Oldies Club - Dog Charity
Oldies Club is a volunteer-run UK charity rescuing and rehoming older dogs. Foster homes care for their dogs while they’re assessed and receive veterinary treatment, before adoption. Sponsor dogs remain in foster permanently, with Oldies Club continuing to cover vet bills. They provide a free service for other UK rescues, promoting their older dogs on their website.